Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? I mean this in the “how much Johnny Walker did we drink last night” as well as a “Sri Ramana Maharshi cutting through the illusion” way. I have answered this question in a variety of ways in my lives. Some of the answers have been silence, the name my mother gave me, I can’t remember and I don’t care. Today I am going to say that I am J.W. Starr, Guerilla Love Artist, Intergalactic Plumber, Tansdimensional Henshin Agent and Rock Star. It’s not glamorous all of the time, but I love my job. God buys me wine.
I love my job, I love my Job, I love my Job. I don’t have a phone or fax and it doesn’t matter because the boss never calls me. Somehow though, I am always supposed to be on time, in uniform and properly briefed on whatever it is I’m given assignment to do. I’ve argued about this and even fired myself, but it doesn’t change anything. I wake up somewhere with a solid preternatural sense of what the next steps are and I do them or else... or else? Or else all the fun goes away! Everything just gets grey and the sunsets aren’t as stunning and no wine.
It’s 11/11/11 a full moon and the changing of the age from Pisces to Aquarius. I’m without a home-base, I don’t like what I look like, my clothes are mostly wrecked, I don’t know where my income will flow from, I’m separated from my previous partner... I must need a new identity meat-wise (That is, here in the meat.. this place where the meat dances endless in the light of spirit). It’s also about time I reckon for new mission orders to become apparent and assemble. This requires some cooperation from my multiple self at various levels of being. Most of the knowable part of the process I will perform from here sitting at a terminal, writing my way clear and then waiting for the new directions to flow in as they will. This big moon should be a great help in that.
Clearing. Danshari! Before I do a new install there needs to be someplace to put the new stuff: ideas, activities, energies, feelings, resources, knowledge. Before I can receive there must be a place to put the gifts and I must ask for what I require.
What has been, is in process or should be cleared?
I’ve let go: my wife, home, much ease, many illusions, many habits, many distractions, many fears, many structures of conception which did not serve.
I’ve noticed that there are still hold-out bits mentally/emotionally regarding the marriage, the house and some concern over my stuff. These thoughts are poisonous, contain anger, fear, vengefulness and nonabundant energy. I am ready to let go of all of this and invite spirit to enter and guide me. I choose the high road. I ask for grace and guidance in letting go of what is done and creating a blessed place for the life I have chosen and which I am being guided to.
I send blessings to SG (this term will represent the partner who I am separated from and stands for Sleeping Guru. This designation has meaning for me and will gain substance for those who read Guerilla Love Artist) and all of the healing she requires. I release my anger and other toxic feelings and invite the light to cleanse me. I forgive her and I forgive myself. I release the house and make a promise to myself that I will not squabble over whatever articles remain in question, I ask spirit to assist in dispensing all as is necessary, to each that which they require to be whole. I have what I need. When the time comes for our final agreements let us arrive and leave each other with simple peace.
Energy Clear? I release my poor posture, uncomfortable body placements and internal pressurization that leads to loss of calm. Danshari!
I release my unconsciousness that appears in any guise.. ego-talk, “aggressive” conversation, disrespect, disdain, anger, fear, guilt, destructive habits, struggle and nonabundance, eating fast.
I release any anger I have left for anyone. Let all of me be filled with compassion for all beings, including myself. I forgive and ask to be forgiven by those who need this peace to heal. Let that compassion be expressed in my words, actions, thoughts, emotions and what pervades and surrounds my path.
I hereby lay down all of these objects/subjects of old and my spent relationships to them and to those people who they touch. Let all of these be burnt in offering in the fires of spiritual purification. And let what comes forth from the ashes be the most pure life, essence and purpose.
With this empty vessel (this new crucible):
I set my intentions anew. If there are intentions from previous that are still worthy or in need of upholding, then I trust they will come forth and assert themselves. What has been cleared is cleared by my will, my intention and by the grace of spirit. This Empty vessel is awaiting fulfilment by love, grace and devotion. I invite spirit to enter me through my breath, my mind, my body, my will and vision to help me fill this holy vessel.
Selfless Service to all mankind. I am a hand of God.
Practice, the bits I have together: I feel in the midst of metamorphosis. Here I will lay down the ingredients as I see them and how I intend to proceed.
Ysiita is with me and I feel that I have found truly a soul partner. If grace will grant then I will (and am) take Ysiita, Miss Guerilla to me and create a life of grace, dignity, art, passion, generosity and Joy. If it is the will of spirit we will create a family to help steward the next phase of earth development.
****** I'll skip the logistical details here.
Path to freedom is led by risking what we think we have in the quest to open our heart become what we are. Don't get to comfortable Jack!
Love and Light
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